Buried pipes and drains occupy the ground beneath our feet unnoticed. But here, they emerge above the surface. While this invisible, complex and sprawling network plays a major role in rainwater drainage and management, it also limits the space available for urban tree planting, instead hastily carrying precious water away to treatment plants and outlets.
With its series of emerging, planted pipes, L’eau sous nos pieds aims to raise awareness about runoff water management in our cities. Water is often viewed as waste—something to be disposed of as quickly as possible. But it can also be retained and infiltrated into the ground to replenish groundwater reserves. Limiting the amount of water flowing through pipes and into treatment plants also helps to ease frequent flooding while preserving a precious resource.
Phileas Erembert
Sébastien Mathyer
Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture (HEPIA)
Genève / Suisse
Cassie Vernet, Enzo Dal Mas, Marouchka Moritz et Sébastien Rivas
Avec la collaboration de :
Leslie Chasset, Thibault Pelet, Tom Courbat, Samuel Taverne,Titouan Rollin, William Blec, Thomas Cossais, Marion Keller, Lucie Kindschi, Emilie Morge, Nina Nowak, Arnaud Ravé, Timothy Adatto, Laure Colombara, Nicolas Ducommun, Célia Kowalczuk, Marie Libal, Baptiste Pontet, Loïc Zufferey, Katherine Trendle Molina
Etudiant∙e∙s Bachelor Architecture du Paysage (HEPIA)
Euphorbe Diamond Frost, Chamacyse hypericifolia 'Diamond Frost'
Cléome Senorita Blanca, Cleome 'Senorita Blanca'
Cosmos grands blancs, Cosmos bipinnatus
Dahlia 'Mystic Spirit', Dahlia sp. 'Mystic Spirit'
Dichondra argentée, Dichondra argentea 'Silver Falls'
Helichrysum petiolare, Helichrysum petiolare
Héliotrope Midnight Sky, Heliotropium arborescens 'Midnight Sky'
Patate douce, Ipomea batatas 'Sweet Caroline Green'
Patate douce, Ipomea batatas 'Sweet Caroline Purple'
Lobélie 'Sapphire Cascade',Lobularia x erinus 'Saphhire'
Herbe aux écouvillons, Pennisetum macrourum
Sauge des bois altière, Salvia 'Amethyst'
Sauge arbustive, Salvia 'Rockin Sky Blue'
Suzanne orange aux yeux noirs, Thunbergia 'Sunny Susy New Orange'
Capucine naine 'Impératrice des Indes', Tropaeolum majus nanus
Verveine de Buenos-Aires, Verbena bonariensis
Liserons, Convolvulus arvensis
Semis Tom Pouce Couvre-sol, prairie fleurie
Tuyaux PVC de diverses tailles
Platines et équerres en acier
Fers à béton
Enrobé dégrappé
Haute école du paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture (HEPIA)
CFPNE - Centre de formation professionnelle nature et environnement de Lullier