A clear, distinct ridge appears on the shore—a line guiding the viewer’s eye from the land to the water. On land, this ridge is marked by two rows of wooden stakes, the space between them gradually filled in with materials gathered nearby, which decompose with the passage of time to form fertile soil. L’Arête is a space where plants flourish unconstrained and where animals find food and shelter.
L’Arête is also a retaining feature in the water, where natural materials—leaves, driftwood and seaweed washed up on the shore and carried by the wind—accumulate and slowly thicken this thin ridge.
L’Arête is more than a piece of architectural design: it allows us to observe the process by which nature reclaims the lake’s shore. Pioneer land-dwelling and aquatic plant species take root in this ridge, transforming it into a small grove worthy of a wild shoreline untouched by human hands.
Anaëlle Centeno
Benjamin Senften
Jaïro Mugnai
Emmanuel Larue
Genève / Suisse
Saule des vanniers, Salix viminalis
Saule blanc, Salix alba
Saule cendré, Salix cinerea
Peuplier euraméricain, Populus x canadensis
Piquets d’acacias
Diverses matières organiques
Aster’O Travaux sous-marins Sàrl
Service des parcs et domaines