A new playground takes shape in the well-maintained grounds around the Vidy Pyramids. For the duration of Lausanne Jardins, lawnmowers are strictly banned from the sports fields, creating an opportunity for people and grasses to interact in new and interesting ways. Grass is no longer merely the surface of a playing field: it becomes part of the game itself.
The installation is a retelling of the story of the lawns found in gardens and on sports fields the world over. The grasses planted here are astonishing in their variety and possess an incredible capacity to adapt to dry conditions. Grass, with its potential appeal as a landscaping feature, is no longer a high-performance sports surface. Because when maintained differently, it becomes the star player in a new kind of game.
Zurich, Suisse
Bruxelles / Belgique
Sébastien Lacomblez
Bruxelles / Belgique
Calamagrostide argentée, Achnatherum calamagrostis
Amourette commune, Briza media
Fétuque améthyste, Festuca amethystina
Roseau de Chine, Miscanthus sinsensis 'Grosse Fontäne'
Panic érigé, Panicum virgatum 'Rehbraun'
Avoine géante, Stipa gigantea
Buts de football
Drapeaux de football
Service des parcs et domaines