A burst of color takes shape on the earth embankments in this ambiguous area of Quai du Vent-Blanc. The spatial and temporal dynamics of the lost shoreline are the guiding theme. Bags filled with sand from the lake fashion a topographical feature in miniature, evoking the concept of protection: not just from conflict but also from flooding, because water—a precious resource—is in urgent need of protection.
In the center of the peculiar dune is a pile of sand, left open to the elements for a garden to grow. Dune vegetation has taken root, as if sown by the wind. Tamarisks, grasses and perennials form colorful little gardens, protecting the dune against erosion. The sand garden expands and changes as the festival progresses, shaped by visitors’ footsteps and the vagaries of the wind.
Marie Alléaume
Nathanaëlle Baës-Cantillon
Rodolphe Raguccia
Paris - Bruxelles, France / Belgique
Tamaris commun, Tamarix ramosissima, 'Rubra' et Hulsdonk White'
Tamaris africain, Tamarix tetrandra
Herbe aux écouvillons, Stipa gigantea
Roseau de Chine 'Zebrinus', Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus'
Panic érigé, Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'
Oyat des dunes, Ammophila arenaria
Séserlie argentée, Sesleria argentea
Amourette commune, Briza media
Gazon d'Espagne, Armeria 'Joystick White'
Armoise, Artemisia 'Canescens'
Boutelou gracieux, Bouteloua gracilis
Achillée Kolbania, Achillea kolbiana
Verveine de Buenos Aires, Verbena bonariensis
Verveine macdougalii, Verbena x macdougalii 'Lavender Spires'
Verveine Bampton, Verbena officinalis 'Bampton'
Verveine Venosa, Verbena rigida 'Venosa'
Grande férule, Ferula communis
Molène de Boerhaave, Verbascum boerhavii
Vipérine commune, Echium vulgare
Sable du lac
Sacs de polypropylènes recyclés
Élastiques de caoutchouc
Service des parcs et domaines
EVAM, Établissement Vaudois d’Accueil des Migrants