In its natural state, the river meanders, its bed reshaped as alluvium, branches and sediment carried by floodwaters build up to form stable heaps. Pioneer plants then begin to colonize the area. Deltas are formed by the accumulation of sediment at the mouth of a river. These fragile, biodiversity-rich ecosystems provide food and refuge for numerous animal species.
Perceived as a resource as much as a threat due to the risk of flooding, the mouth of the Vuachère presents an opportunity for urban and landscape regeneration to make the city more resilient in the face of climate change. DELTΔ is part of this ecological commitment and proposes to “liberate” the mouth of the Vuachère.
Grab a ribbon and head into this garden, designed in the image of the river freed from its canalized confines. Whenever you feel like it, make a wish and tie your ribbon tightly in the garden. Leave your own mark like the waters of the Vuachère, past and future, that have taken or will take the same path.
LR Architectes
Profil Paysage
T/Rex Architecture
Aulne blanc, Alnus incana
Tremble, Populus tremula
Tamarin d'Allemagne, Myricaria germanica
Saule marsault, Salix caprea
Saule rouge, Salix purpurea 'Nana'
Roseau des bois, Calamagrostis epigejos
Épilobe à feuilles de romarin, Epilobium dodonaei
Pavot jaune des sables, Glaucium flavum
Gypsophile rampante, Gypsophila repens
Épervière orangée, Hieracium aurantiacum
Linaire commune, Linaria vulgaris
Scrofulaire, Scrophularia macrantha 'Cardinale Red'
Molène d'Olympe, Verbascum olympicum
Bois flotté
Bobst Paysage et Jardin Sàrl
Service des parcs et domaines