
D04 Affleurement

A tsunami of flowers washes over the southern end of Parc du Denantou, evoking the waters of the lake.

This 1,700-square-meter wave features species that flower between June and October, while the blend of plant types—20% grasses and 80% flowering varieties— creates the impression of a natural wildflower meadow. The grasses are the green binder that holds the wave together as the flowers come and go with the changing seasons.

Nestled among the annual perennials are around 15,000 biennial perennial seedlings, grown in cells and arranged in a pattern that follows the rise and fall of the wave, while just four flowering varieties render the wave’s shadows, foam and other details. The choice of perennials ensures that this garden will live on well into the future, in keeping with sustainable green-space management practices.


Carlotta Montefoschi
Niccolò Cau
Giulia Tasselli
SPIN (www.studiospin.it)
Rome / Italie


Achillée millefeuille, Achillea millefolium ‘Wild Form’
Ciboule de Chine, Allium ramosum 
Ciboulette commune, Allium schoenoprasum
Ail à tête ronde, Allium sparocephalum 
Capselle bourse-à-pasteur, Capsella bursa-pastoris
Centaurée jacée, Centaurea yacea
Coréopsis lancéolé, Coreopsis lanceolata
Carotte sauvage, Dacus carota 
Œillet des Chartreux, Dianthus cartusianorum 
Marguerite, Leucanthemum ircutianum 
Camomille sauvage, Matricaria chamomilla
Myosotis nain bleu indigo, Myosotis sylvestris 'Indigo blue'
Myosotis nain bleu ciel, Myosotis sylvestris 'Light blue'
Myosotis nain blanc, Myosotis sylvestris 'White'
Onagre rose, Oenothera speciosa 
Coquelicot, Papaver rhoeas
Pâturin des prés, Poa pratensis
Brunelle commune, Prunella vulgaris
Sauge des prés, Salvia pratensis 'Rose Rhapsody' 
Sauge des prés, Salvia pratensis  'Sky dance'Sauge des prés, Salvia pratensis  'Swan lake'
Micro-trèfle gazon, Trifolium microclover
Verveine de Buenos Aires, Verbena bonariensis
Verveine rigide, Verbena rigida
Véronique à longues feuilles, Veronica longifolia


Plantes en alvéoles et graines


Service des parcs et domaines
Vivaio Erbe & Fiori di Valter Angeli


Vivaio Erbe & Fiori di Valter Angeli
