
A04 Les Beaux Dimanches

Water, giver of life, water, my friend, how has it come to this?

Reeking with the stench of everyday life, traces of our bodies decompose within us and travel through the tubes beneath our cities, where they form a foul organic cocktail— the liquid waste of human society. Since our folly knows no bounds, we invest time and money in cleaning you up after we have soiled you. We keep you hidden from sight in wastewater treatment plants, only releasing you again once you are “clean.” And everyone marvels at this wonder of technology, as if it were nothing.

Les Beaux Dimanches is a sculpture that draws a parallel between the human digestive system and the urban wastewater treatment process, seeking to redefine and challenge our interaction with water from our privileged Western vantage point. Taking the form of a fountain that erupts like a diseased organ, it compels us to look again at our use—and overuse—of this precious resource.


Daniel Duque - Bogotà, Colombie
Luisa Fernanda Sàenz - Bogotà, Colombie
Iriles Yataghene - Grenoble, France
Pierre Godest- Toulouse, France
Esteban Lena - Genève, Suisse


Bugle rampante, Ajuga reptens
Épiaire de Byzance, Stachys byzantina
Scolopendre, Asplenium scolopendrium
Hosta bleu, Hostas tardiana ‘Halcyon’
Sauge des bois, Salvia nemorosa
Canche cespiteuse, Deschampsia cespitosa
Scabieuse de Crête, Scabiosa cretica
Cheveux d'ange, Stipa tenuifolia
Capucine naine à fleurs simples, Tropaeolum nanum ‘King Theodore’
Pavot de Californie Red Chief, Eschscholzia ‘Red chief’
Coquelicot, Papaver rhoeas ‘poppy’
Dianthus deltoides rouge, Dianthus deltoïdes ‘rouge’
Morène, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Petite lentille d’eau, Lemna minor
Sagittaire à feuilles en flèche, Sagittaria sagittifolia


Terre du site
Sable des rives du lac
Déchets divers (plastiques, canettes, électronique, tuyaux, verre, céramique...)


Etienne Maliet - EMPaysage
