
A01 La rivière augmentée

Once a winding river, the Chamberonne bears the marks of its domestication between the road and the lake. Contrary to its meandering upstream, it runs in a straight line along the Parc Bourget. However, a closer look reveals the typical characteristics of estuaries: a cool and humid atmosphere, the sound of the water and the rich fauna and flora of this hybrid environment between land and water.

La rivière augmentée proposes a 400-meter walk as part of a reflection on the renaturation project for the Chamberonne. The qualities of the riverbed are enhanced by four physical and sensory devices, which together create an immersive experience. A sedimentary topography evokes its meandering past, a hybrid flora creates a biological link between the river ecosystem and that of the park, a misting device emphasises its climatic conditions, and a sound system amplifies the sound of the swirling water.


BIOS Atelier
Clément Ringot
Jacopo Fochi
Ken Spangberg
Lucas Lerchs
Bruxelles / Belgique


Acer campestre, Erable champêtre
Acer pseudoplatanus, Erable sycomore
Achillea millefolium, Achillée millefeuille
Alnus glutinosa, Aulne glutineux
Alnus Incana, Aulne blanc
Anthriscus sylvestris, Cerfeuil sauvage
Asplenium scolopendrium, Scolopendre
Betula alba, Bouleau verruqueux
Campanula trachelium, Campanule gantelée
Carex alba, Laîche blanche
Carex flacca, Laîche glauque
Carex pendula, Laîche à épis pendant
Crataegus monogyna, Aubépine monogyne
Dryopteris affinis, Dryoptère aux frondes
Dryopteris cristata, Dryopteris à crête
Fagus sylvatica, Hêtre commun
Filipendula vulgaris, Reine des prés
Frangula alnus, Bourdaine
Lythrum salicaria, Salicaire commune
Quercus pubescens, Chêne pubescent
Rhamnus cathartica, Nerprun purgatif
Sorbus torminalis, Alisier torminal
Tilia platyphyllos, Tilleul à grandes feuilles


Dépôt sédimentaire


2G Inox Sàrl
Sonoval Sàrl
Université de Lausanne (UNIL)
Service des parcs et domaines


Université de Lausanne (UNIL)
