
B05 Jardin de circulation, jardin de pluie

Created for Expo 64, this garden has since been used to teach children about road safety. Designed in the image of the 1960s city, the site today presents all the contemporary challenges from the all-car, to the sparse presence of vegetation, to impermeable mineral soils and clear water drainage. These design features lead to overheating— through the urban heat island effect—while rainwater runoff overwhelms sewers and waterways.

Sixty years on, the site is undergoing a transformation for Lausanne Jardins 24 : the slope gradients have been recalculated, new ditches and a new pond have been created, gravel has been removed, surfaces have been lightened to reduce the albedo effect, plants have been added, and grids have been disconnected. Although the garden retains its original function, it is now a life-sized testing ground for the sponge city—and a tool for raising awareness of the relationship between city and nature.


Paola Viganò
Tommaso Pietropolli
Loan Laurent
Habitat Research Center (HRC), École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Lausanne / Suisse

Avec la collaboration de
Luca Rossi - VSA
Murielle Thomet - Hydrique Ingénieurs
Zoé Daeppen - Service de l’eau
Jérôme Pellet - N+P biologie
Vincent Osselin - Tact Architecture du paysage


Pin sylvestre, Pinus Sylvestris
Liquidambar, Liquidambar styraciflua
Chêne vert, Quercus Ilex
Saule pleureur, Salix babylonica
Bouleau de l'Himalaya, Betula utilis
Aulne glutineux, Alnus glutinosa
Angélique des bois, Angelica sylvestris
Populage des marais, Caltha palustris
Laîche hérissée, Carex hirta
Eupatoire à feuilles de chanvre, Eupatorium cannabinium
Jonc épars, Juncus effusus
Lysimaque commune, Lysimachis vulgaris
Salicaire commune, Lythrum vulgaris
Iris des marais, Iris pseudocorus
Menthe aquatique, Mentha aquatica
Nénuphar blanc, Nenuphar albaNénuphar blanc, Nenuphar lutea


Pavés réemployés
Gravier gras d’Enney


Dimensions Paysage SA
Service des parcs et domaines
Unité signalisation, Ville de Lausanne

La Mobilière
