Shallow waters are some of the most important habitats on Earth, hosting biodiversity-rich ecosystems at the point where the water meets the land. They are protected breeding grounds for many species of fish, amphibians, birds and insects. Once abundant between Lake Geneva and Lausanne, these wetlands have all but disappeared under the relentless march of urban sprawl.
As the world grapples with biodiversity and climate crises on every front, this garden prompts us to reflect on rewilding practices that serve the interests of both nature and humanity. Consisting of a series of small islands around a rocky outcrop, it recreates lost wetlands and pushes back against human-induced destruction of natural ecosystems. The islands are named Forel in honor of François-Alphonse Forel (1841-1912), a Swiss physician and researcher born in Morges whose seminal work Le Léman : monographie limnologique laid the scientific foundations of modern limnology.
Nancy Couling
Lausanne / Suisse
Ralf Steeg
Berlin / Allemagne
Sara Gerber
Lausanne / Suisse
Maude Sauvage
Lausanne / Suisse
Ivo Stotz
Lausanne / Suisse
Roseau commun, Phragmites australis
Salicaire commune, Lythrum salicaria
Iris des marais, Iris pseudacorus
Jonc fleuri, Butomus umbellatus
Jonc épars, Juncus effusus
Prêle des eaux, Equisetum fluviatile
Aulne glutineux, Alnus glutinosa
Bois suisse scié brut
Fibre de coco
Bénévoles : Karin Gonzato, Ismaele Gonzato, Aidan Gonzato, Elisa Gonzato, Raphaël Bach, Cléa Petitpierre, Sena Frochaux, Keita Frochaux, Sylvain Frochaux, Bruno Müller, Max Müller, Oscar Müller, Andy Müller, Kathrin Dobler, Fabrice Bertrand, Régis Paroz, Laora Rossier, Loïc Bernet, Robin Schweizer, Myriam Ruchet, Isabelle Favre, Susan Ebbutt, Kim Carrasco, Nadja Steingrube, Iven Steingrube, Léa Hesslein, Gaël Sala, Gaëlle Cattié, Rose Faure Cattié, Charlotte Faure Cattié, Lucie Keng, Dounia Berrah, Malek Berrah, André Balestrini, Isabelle Gimenez, Erika Schaumann, Milo Gerber, Lou Gerber, Juliane Grossmann
Ateliers de menuiserie - Ville de Lausanne
Groupe Orllati SA
Comité International Olympique (CIO)