
A02 EAUtopia

EAUtopia is a new chapter in the history of the place where the Chamberonne meets Lake Geneva. Here, the aquatic landscape takes center stage and the garden becomes a place of wonderment. No example of garden and landscape design embodies this quest for wonderment better than the Cave of Animals at the Villa Castello in Florence—a fantastical, watery world designed by Niccolò Tribolo in 1539. Its best-known feature is a sculpture of the Medici giraffe presented to Lorenzo de’ Medici by the Egyptian ambassador.

In its new home at the mouth of the Chamberonne, the giraffe both awakens memories of past wonders and lends a touch of exoticism to the setting. Here, the giraffe is packed with branches, stones and moss, serving as a habitat for plants and wildlife, while its feet stand among the diverse species already inhabiting the lake’s shore. As climate change alters this aquatic landscape, EAUtopia draws on the power of art and wonderment to suggest a possible future.


Elena Moretti
Memoscape landscape design
Florence /Italie
Claudia Mezzapesa Memoscape landscape design
Florence /Italie
Isabella Mori
Zurich / Suisse
Laura Maccioni
Lausanne / Suisse
Alessio Verdolino
Atelier Officina Chiodo Fisso
Putignano, Bari / Italie
Emanuele Ricchi Atelier Officina Chiodo Fisso
Putignano, Bari / Italie


Euphorbe petit-cyprès, Euphorbia cyparissas
Grande pervenche, Vinca major
Achillée millefeuille, Achillea millefolium
Vergerette de Karvinski, Erigeron karvinskianus
Géranium palustre ‘Patricia’, Geranium Patricia
Sauge commune, Salvia pratensis


Tiges de fer recouvertes d’un filet métallique soudé sur des plaques et des profilés métalliques
Trames de branches de roseaux et de sédiments
Sacs de jute remplis de terre et de sable pour la plantation de plantes


Atelier Officina Chiodo Fisso
