
A06 Eau voleur!

Setting up a tobacco plantation on the parking lot at the entrance to Parc Louis Bourget is a transgressive act of occupation intended to make us sit up and take notice. Eau voleur ! draws attention to the practice of clearing forests to make way for monofunctional spaces and single – crop plantations—and to its devastating impact on biodiversity. And by misappropriating this public space for industrial use, it also compels us to reflect on questions around access to water and the seizing of public land by private interests.


Philippe Petoud
Philippe Tendon
Sébastien Liardon
Damien Junod
Service des parcs et domaines
Lausanne / Suisse


Tabac, Nicotiana tabacum
Chanvre, Cannabis sativa


ExoSol Terasol


Service des parcs et domaines (SPADOM)
