Landscapes are not static. On the contrary, they are constantly shaped by natural dynamics such as erosion and accumulation, or by human disturbance. Craquelures dans le réel takes place in the Bellerive parking lot, bringing new life to the soil, a precious, non-renewable resource and the nerve center of landscape dynamics. Ploughing, the premise of the garden, introduces a new form into this slumbering mineral landscape. At once an ancient imprint of the agricultural history of a once-cultivated site and a dynamic movement, it reworks an abandoned soil that has disappeared beneath the asphalt, welcoming in new seeds.
The choreography that follows accompanies the growth of this new garden: the waltz of tools sculpting the furrows in the soil and the ballet of irrigation systems gushing water set the tempo for the cycles of plant life to resume. The show is there, the vitality of a landscape that beats to the rhythm of nature’s return to the earth.
Fujan Fahmi & Michael Mosch
Zurich / Suisse
Ilse Cardenas & Diego Escamilla
Mexico City / Mexique
Federico Lepre
Milan / Italie
Lucia Espinosa de los Monteros
Madrid / Espagne
Gonzalo Peña
Madrid / Espagne
Aigremoine eupatoire, Agrimonia Eupatoria
Flouve odorante, Anthoxanthum odoratum
Amourette commune, Briza media
Crételle des prés, Cynosurus Cristatus
Gentiane asclépiade, Gentiana asclepiadea
Fenouil commun, Foeniculum vulgare
Berce du Caucase, Heracleum mantegazzianum
Molinie bleue, Molinia caerulea
Onagre bisannuelle, Oenothera biennis
Succise des prés, Succisa pratentsis
Molène blattaire, Verbascum blattaria
Molène de Chaix, Verbascum chaixii Vill. subsp. chaixii
Molène Bouillon-blanc, Verbascum thapsus
Ambroisie à feuilles d'armoise, Ambrosia artemissifolia
Nigelle de Damas, Nigella damascena
Petit rhinanthe, Rhinanthus minor
Pâturin des prés, Poa pratensis
Pâturin annuel, Poa Annua
Millet des bois, Milium effusum
Avoine dorée, Trisetum flavescens
Canche cespiteuse, Deschampsia cespitosa
Fétuque ovine, Festuca ovina
Orge seigle, Hordeum secalinum
Vesce cultivée, Vicia sativa L. subsp. sativa
Vesce noire, Vicia sativa subsp. Nigra (L) Ehrn
Capselle bourse-à-pasteur, Capsella bursa-pastoris
Myosotis des champs, Myosotis arvensis
Lamier pourpre, Lamium purpureum
Carotte sauvage, Daucus carota
Colchique d'automne, Colchicum automneale
Scille de Sibérie, Scilla sibernica
Tubes réutilisés en acier inoxydable
Câble en acier
Roues en caoutchouc
Treillis global F14300
Giammarino & Fils Paysagistes SA
La Mobilière