
B08 Au-dessus du gazon, le brouillard 

Au-dessus du gazon, le brouillard is situated in the former Flon valley, now drained and dried out. It bears witness to the unseen water all around us. Beside visible bodies of water such as the lake, and hidden waterways such as canalized rivers, we are surrounded by other sources of water. Mist-catchers trap water in their nets, revealing its presence in the air.

This water is fed into newly created wetlands around the edge of the sports fields: places where nature has traditionally been tightly controlled or completely excluded, but that now form part of an unbroken green corridor stretching all the way to Lake Geneva. Au-dessus du gazon, le brouillard offers a new route to the lake, building on existing sports facilities along Lausanne’s waterfront. Plants, animals and humans now cohabit the spaces between the sports fields, transforming them into places to meet, socialize and take a leisurely stroll.


Forme commune atelier d’architecture et paysage
Luciano Antonietti
Ursy /Suisse
Alice Fiorini
Lausanne / Suisse
Basil Merz
Lausanne, Suisse
Flore Schärrer
Genève / Suisse
Katia Schmit
Lausanne / Suisse
Sylvie Viollier
Genève / Suisse


Myosotis scorpioides, Myosotis palustris
Molinie bleue, Molinia caerulea
Laîche paniculée, Carex paniculata
Iris des marais, Iris pseudacorus
Iris de Sibérie, Iris sibirica
Menthe aquatique, Mentha aquatica
Valériane officinale, Valeriana officinalis
Reine-des-prés, Filipendula ulmaria
Grande pimprenelle, Sanguisorba officinalis
Origan, Origanum vulgare
Serpolet, Thymus serpyllum
Mauve musquée, Malva moschata
Cardère sauvage, Dipsacus fullonum
Molène Bouillon-blanc, Verbascum thapsus


Location d’éléments d’échafaudages
Toiles agricoles
Pièces métalliques


Stéphane Louis - Atelier la Grange
Gianni Musio - Atelier la Grange
Simon Jeckelmann - Architecte
Léo Benjamin - Architecte
Contec SA
Pépinière Baudat SA
Richard & Fils Échafaudages SA
EVAM, Établissement Vaudois d’Accueil des Migrants
Service des parcs et domaines
