
26.09.2024 Round Table «child, water, city»

Round Table «child, water, city» as part of the project Pousses Urbaines 2023-2024 «Water in Lausanne»

For this edition, Pousses Urbaines questions the relationships children have with water in the city, collecting their perceptions and experiences.

During the round table, various child and city specialists will react to the observations made by the Pousses Urbaines team during the workshops conducted with the children and youngsters.

For further information and to register for the round table, please contact: www.pousses-urbaines.ch


Pousses Urbaines is a project run by the Délégation à l’enfance de Lausanne (Lausanne Children’s Office) to explore the realities experienced by children in the city.

Photo : Atelier Pousses Urbaines dans le quartier des Fiches Nord ©Ville de Lausanne

16:00 – 18:00

Restaurant Bellerive-Plage (La Rotonde)


